Leaving a embarking on a new journey

*I'll be home this weekend to get some last minute things done before the wedding.  I'll do my best to keep my post as regular as possible!*

Taking a step away from the fashion, I just wanted to do a quick blog about my life. 

As you all know, Friday August 3rd was my last day at work (and my baby brother's 25th bday!!!).  I have been at the current internship/job since January 2011, with a 5 month break to work at a related multi-lateral agency.  Without going into two much detail, I work as an International Relations Analyst at a Federal Agency.  My focus was labor (may be giving it away), and I have really enjoyed the work I did there! I have met some of the most intelligent, motivated and interesting characters  there! Its really  like a family in my Bureau, and the work we do really has an effect greater than we can truly see in our day to day lives. After graduating with my Masters in Public Policy, this job ticks so many boxes for me. It deals with human rights, policy making, analysis  and all internationally.  I really saw myself there for the medium-term and could see myself grow over time to really hone my policy skills.

Alas, life gets in the way.  Here I am, a recent graduate having, to leave a job I truly enjoy to move on and embark on another journey. I can say I am truly sad to leave, but I am also happy that I have the chance to embark on another journey that will also add to my skill set. At the end of the day, I am sad to leave this current job, but I am also excited to see what the next few years take me. I am finally in a place, which I have not been since graduating undergrad, where I can see my career/life shaping up. I know what I want to do and where I want to go, and I am finally on the right path there. There may be a few bumps in the road, but I can see my career and life start to shape up before my eyes. Something I wouldn't have been able to say two years ago!  It's all exhilarating as well as frightening at the same time, but I'm not getting any younger and if there is a time to embark on a new journey...that time is now!

Sorry for the ramble, but wanted to share my most recent milestone! Have you experienced a life-changing event/milestone that you are excited/scared about?

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